Am Griswold Claywork

The best days are those on which I awake from a dream with a full-blown idea in my head. People often ask me where I get my ideas and I’m never really sure what to tell them because it’s often a mystery to me. It sounds hokey or “new age” to say I believe they come straight from the creative flow that runs through the universe (aka God?) but on some level I truly believe it. How else to explain those mornings when I know no more sleep will be had and nothing else will do but to get up and try to get the idea down on paper. Nothing else will do but to get to my studio, get my hands into some clay, and try my best to make that early morning idea a reality you can hold in your hands before I go to bed that night. That is the best feeling. I know I am part of the flow, the God energy is working through me to bring some small beauty into the world.

Never having mastered (or had the desire to master) the potter’s wheel, I’ve always felt more connection to the clay through hand-building. In college, I was mainly interested in sculptural work, strictly non-functional. I suppose sculpture is still my first love, it’s just that I realize that if I combine the sculptural with the functional, it enables the customer to really feel a connection to the piece they’ve just purchased. I believe people want art they can hold in their hands and use in their daily lives. When people come back and share where they’ve placed a piece or how they are using it – that is the best. It really helps keep the creative energy moving.
Since there are so many ideas flowing, I’ve always thought it would be wrong to restrict myself to selected themes or forms. I do whatever strikes my fancy, whatever ideas I’m blessed with on a particular day. If people walk in and wonder whether more than one artist is showing, I am pleased. I know I have appealed to more than one segment of society and I have used my talent to make at least a small sampling of the myriad ideas running through my head.
Since there are so many ideas flowing, I’ve always thought it would be wrong to restrict myself to selected themes or forms. I do whatever strikes my fancy, whatever ideas I’m blessed with on a particular day. If people walk in and wonder whether more than one artist is showing, I am pleased. I know I have appealed to more than one segment of society and I have used my talent to make at least a small sampling of the myriad ideas running through my head.

I graduated in 1980 from the University of Nebraska at Omaha with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. Born and raised in Nebraska, I’ve lived in or near Estacada since 1981. My two children Mike and Sarah, are a constant source of pride, inspiration, and comfort.
I’ve had my shop/studio, EarthArt Clayworks, since the fall of 1996. It is located at the McMenamin’s Edgefield in Troutdale, OR. Hours are noon-ish to 8 PM, Thursday through Monday. As a member of the local Artback Cooperative, I have assisted on all but the first of Estacada’s murals, and was the Lead Artist on the “Kinzy Faire” mural in 2000, the “The Quilt Club” in 2004, and “An Evening on the Barlow Road” in 2009.
I also teach a clay hand-building pottery at the High School Art Room through the Estacada Community School program. It’s a fun, all-level, class that meets Tuesdays, 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Call Am for more details at 803-3577. Classes run for 8 weeks, 4 times per year. Cost: $85 per session, $12 for clay.
Find Am on Instagram @earthartam
I’ve had my shop/studio, EarthArt Clayworks, since the fall of 1996. It is located at the McMenamin’s Edgefield in Troutdale, OR. Hours are noon-ish to 8 PM, Thursday through Monday. As a member of the local Artback Cooperative, I have assisted on all but the first of Estacada’s murals, and was the Lead Artist on the “Kinzy Faire” mural in 2000, the “The Quilt Club” in 2004, and “An Evening on the Barlow Road” in 2009.
I also teach a clay hand-building pottery at the High School Art Room through the Estacada Community School program. It’s a fun, all-level, class that meets Tuesdays, 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Call Am for more details at 803-3577. Classes run for 8 weeks, 4 times per year. Cost: $85 per session, $12 for clay.
Find Am on Instagram @earthartam